Community Benefit

The purpose of the Peter Adams Trust is to assist local Bodies (Local Grant) in the achievement of a goal which would not be possible without the support of the Grant. For example help towards equipment, provision of Facilities in the local Community and so on.

Application for Funding

Our Grants are Merit Based and/or Need Based:

Merit Based – the project will provide or improve equipment or facilities for the benefit of the Local Community.

Needs Based – the equipment or facilities are much needed and the Local Community is not financially able to cover the cost.


For all Grants the starting point is matched funding i.e. the applicant must show provision of 50% of the cost but this is not a hard and fast rule. Each case will be considered on its own merits.

In the case of a Community Benefit Grant the sum awarded will normally be subject to a cap of £10,000.


Grants will not normally be awarded to other Charities or Fundraisers nor where the Trustees in their absolute discretion are of the opinion that:

  1. The Applicant is able to afford the cost.
  2. The money will or is likely to be used for purposes other than that for which the Grant was awarded.
  3. The Applicant or the Local Community to benefit is not within a 15 miles radius of Ashford Kent or such other radius as the Trustees may decide.
  4. The Application does not meet our criteria.
  5. The money is required to improve or alter the fabric or structure of e.g. a private property, a Local Education or other School etc.
  6. There is insufficient benefit.
  7. The application is for retrospective funding.


These may be imposed on all Grants including for example:

  1. If you complete only part of the project, the Grant will automatically lapse and we may require repayment of any Grant money paid.
  2. The equipment or facilities must be to the required standard/specification.
  3. Where the Grant is to be paid by instalments, the Applicant is to report to the Trustees on progress without which the next instalment will not be made.
  4. The Applicant authorises the Trustees to obtain Reports from other appropriate person, firm or Body regarding the project progress and that the work and any equipment is to the required standard/specification.
  5. The Funding is only for the objective specified in your Application.

The Trustees decision on all matters is final

By submitting an Application you confirm you understand, accept and agree the above

Please complete the simple Application Form below. Following the submission we may require further information and possibly a meeting.

Grants previously made include:

  • Primary School – computers and tablets
  • Church various including upgrading the Church clock
  • Village Hall various including kitchen refurbishment
  • Tennis for Public Court
  • Garden Society for Speakers
  • Cricket Club various
  • Cricket/Football clubhouse
  • Ashford Green Corridor Panels